Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Snitches are Bitches who get Stitches!

Let’s talk about snitches! Not to be confused with bitches…but honestly, they are most likely bitches too! So snitches…as adults….WTF? We are supposed to be adults right? Right! So why is it that at our age (we will go with older than 25 but less than 100), some people feel the need to be a snitch.  There are two main types of snitches one may encounter in life (of course there are more, but we are going to focus on the following two).  There’s the brown-nosed-workplace snitch.  There’s the nosey-my life is boring so I’m going to ruin yours-snitch.  Have you met either of these people? 

The Workplace Snitch
Typically the boss’s pet.  The one who’s shit doesn’t stink.  They scurry like a little mouse to point out your flaws…most likely to cover up their own.  They stay late at work (read: no life).  Basically, they are a bitch who would rather spend their time tattling on others for simple things when they are neglecting bigger things of their own.  We all make mistakes at work, we all run a little late sometimes, we all have different responsibilities.  Why must this workplace snitch try to bring people down when they don’t have the same expectations as they do?  It’s pathetic really!

The Life-Ruining Snitch
Typically someone who is jealous or uncomfortable with a strong individual.  Make a decision in life that they aren’t willing to do—TATTLE TIME.  Guess what people?!?! It’s not your life, not your choice, FUCK OFF! Especially when involving married people or parents! Your tattling is going to hurt people…innocent people.  Everyone is different, walks different roads of life.  Who gives you permission to stick your nose in someone’s personal, private life and twist what they doing or going through?  How does that make you a better person?

You suck as a human being!  Nobody likes a snitch!  Let’s all be grown-ups (I know, I know…being a grown up sucks) and deal with the reality that everybody is different!  Let’s work together to make life a little happier for everyone around us and quit tattling about bullshit.  Please?! See, I asked nicely---in a kids eyes, that’s the magic word that makes things happen.  You’re acting like a child by tattling so the word Please should be rather effective with you!  K? Thanks!

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